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4th Q TOC. 100 REG (LD) 10 TIX. 60TIX ADDED W/MAB
4th Q TOC. 100 REG (LD) 10 TIX. 60TIX ADDED W/MAB Posted by MAB (moderator) Jan 2 2025 9:22AM FOR OCT, NOV & DEC TOURNAMENT WINNERS ONLY. TOURNEY OF CHAMPS WILL BE A D/E 100 - LOSER DEALS FOR 10 TIX ENTRY, AND IS SCHEDULED FOR JANUARY 2d AT 9PM. In order to play in this tourney, where the CHAMPIONS will win an extra 40 tix for first place and 20 tix for second place from the Webmasters in addition to the regular payout, you must have taken 1st OR 2nd place in a tournament during the month of OCTOBER, NOVEMBER OR DECEMBER 2024. To be held at 9PM on NOV 3RD. If you changed your name, it must be changed back to match your player name on the list below. Best of luck to all! LIST OF QUALIFYING WINNERS ARE POSTED BELOW. 4th Quarter Oct., Nov, Dec 2024 AROND CHAMPIONGIN2 COSSACKS DIAPHG ELBERT_HUBBARD FORCE23 GINWIZ1 HATVAN HGEARS JUDY3241 KENNYK11 KILROY666 LEEBUCK27 LEONTOVYCH LIFEONTHISSIDE LOOOONY LUCIANG MATTYTEX88 MHTOURNY MILOCASE NADIAYM NINTY4 PAPAW PDOG62 ROYALBIOTCH8388 RONNIE6969 RUMRUMMY SPAMTOWN55912 SPUDMANMIKE TEACUPGIN TEXHOSS123 TONY_CLIFTON |

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